2014 > 01

Time for new ones? Time for new ones?

Another year went by and we all are much wiser aren't we? ;)
2014 will be a good year, according to my plans anyway ;) We have a new way of training, new way of thinking and I can't wait to see the results of this. Hopefully it will be good results.

2013 was a successfull year, please read Earlier News 2013 so you can see how great you are!

We have plans for two litters this year, we hope there will be some small paws tripping on the floor in the spring. We will update you!
Take care!
Regards Kicki, Jenny & Björn

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2014 > 01

Time for new ones? Time for new ones?

Another year went by and we all are much wiser aren't we? ;)
2014 will be a good year, according to my plans anyway ;) We have a new way of training, new way of thinking and I can't wait to see the results of this. Hopefully it will be good results.

2013 was a successfull year, please read Earlier News 2013 so you can see how great you are!

We have plans for two litters this year, we hope there will be some small paws tripping on the floor in the spring. We will update you!
Take care!
Regards Kicki, Jenny & Björn

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2014 > 01

Time for new ones? Time for new ones?

Another year went by and we all are much wiser aren't we? ;)
2014 will be a good year, according to my plans anyway ;) We have a new way of training, new way of thinking and I can't wait to see the results of this. Hopefully it will be good results.

2013 was a successfull year, please read Earlier News 2013 so you can see how great you are!

We have plans for two litters this year, we hope there will be some small paws tripping on the floor in the spring. We will update you!
Take care!
Regards Kicki, Jenny & Björn

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Snart har hela sommaren gått, vart tar tiden vägen? Vädret har ju varit sådär, men det är ju faktiskt skönt för hundarna att det inte är så varmt. Desto mer tid till att träna om man inte kan ligga i solstolen ;)

Vill säga grattis än en gång till freestyletjejerna Angelika och Lisabet, beundransvärt att de kämpar på och slår underifrån. Så lite tävlingsmöjligheter och långt till bra tränare. Vad duktiga ni är! läs mer under Tävlingsresultat 2012.


Den här hösten kommer att bli fylld av träning inför appeller och lydnad. Så nu kliver vi i kängorna och ger oss ut i skogen!

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