2013 > 03
At tuesday next week the Q's will be 6 weeks. Where did the time go? But it will be exciting to see how their new lives turns out.
Three pup's are staying in Sundsvall, (we are keeping one bitch) one male goes to Kalix in northern Sweden, two pup's goes to Norway and one goes to Finland. I hope we will get lots of updates from their new homes and pictures of course :)
Weeks goes by and the puppies are getting bigger and bolder. Today they went outside for the first time and it was fun and exciting!
Livan probably thought it was nice to sit in the sun for a moment while the puppies amused themselves. They slept sweetly afterwards which is certainly appreciated by Livan :)
2013 > 03
At tuesday next week the Q's will be 6 weeks. Where did the time go? But it will be exciting to see how their new lives turns out.
Three pup's are staying in Sundsvall, (we are keeping one bitch) one male goes to Kalix in northern Sweden, two pup's goes to Norway and one goes to Finland. I hope we will get lots of updates from their new homes and pictures of course :)
Weeks goes by and the puppies are getting bigger and bolder. Today they went outside for the first time and it was fun and exciting!
Livan probably thought it was nice to sit in the sun for a moment while the puppies amused themselves. They slept sweetly afterwards which is certainly appreciated by Livan :)
2013 > 03
At tuesday next week the Q's will be 6 weeks. Where did the time go? But it will be exciting to see how their new lives turns out.
Three pup's are staying in Sundsvall, (we are keeping one bitch) one male goes to Kalix in northern Sweden, two pup's goes to Norway and one goes to Finland. I hope we will get lots of updates from their new homes and pictures of course :)
Weeks goes by and the puppies are getting bigger and bolder. Today they went outside for the first time and it was fun and exciting!
Livan probably thought it was nice to sit in the sun for a moment while the puppies amused themselves. They slept sweetly afterwards which is certainly appreciated by Livan :)
Snart har hela sommaren gått, vart tar tiden vägen? Vädret har ju varit sådär, men det är ju faktiskt skönt för hundarna att det inte är så varmt. Desto mer tid till att träna om man inte kan ligga i solstolen ;)
Vill säga grattis än en gång till freestyletjejerna Angelika och Lisabet, beundransvärt att de kämpar på och slår underifrån. Så lite tävlingsmöjligheter och långt till bra tränare. Vad duktiga ni är! läs mer under Tävlingsresultat 2012.
Den här hösten kommer att bli fylld av träning inför appeller och lydnad. Så nu kliver vi i kängorna och ger oss ut i skogen!
Rebecca Gray » The Q's are finally here!: ”Grattis till valparna!! ”
Kicki » The Q's are finally here!: ”Tack! ha ha ni är så välkomna Eva_Lena”
Eva-Lena & flocken » The Q's are finally here!: ”GRATTIS till den lyckliga tilldragelsen! Vad månde bliva; ser fram emot att följ..”
Hege » Waiting...and waiting...: ”Very very Exciting!! I hope for many beautiful puppies! :-)”
Jenny » Successfull 2012...: ”Tack Eva-Lena! Vi håller alla tassar och tummar för er!!!”