The Q's are finally here!
The first puppy arrived at 18.30 pm and the last one of seven arrived at 22.05. This is Livans first litter and she was outstanding, great mother! She's not happy with us when we are "stealing" the puppies for taking pictures and messures... ;)
So far so good, seven births, seven alive. We hope to keep them all, they seem very healthy.
Five boys and two girls, five reds and two blacks.
One of the boys (Qrazy Speed) crawled out of the bed immiedatly, therefore the name!
We will update our website with new pictures, so keep an eye... :)
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Rebecca Gray » The Q's are finally here!: ”Grattis till valparna!! ”
Kicki » The Q's are finally here!: ”Tack! ha ha ni är så välkomna Eva_Lena”
Eva-Lena & flocken » The Q's are finally here!: ”GRATTIS till den lyckliga tilldragelsen! Vad månde bliva; ser fram emot att följ..”
Hege » Waiting...and waiting...: ”Very very Exciting!! I hope for many beautiful puppies! :-)”
Jenny » Successfull 2012...: ”Tack Eva-Lena! Vi håller alla tassar och tummar för er!!!”