2012 > 12
... is coming to its end.
No more contests or shows this year, instead we are resting over Christmas and enjoying the Aussie Action's success.
In February we go again, then Juniors debut in LKI is scheduled. It will be very interesting to see what he thinks about that :) Lower search / track planned for spring.
Moritz will start lower search / track in the spring.
I (Jenny) will compete with Lisa in Rally obedience, she had a great time the last time we participated!
Gizmo will debut in LKIII and appell search for spring.
Junior and Gizmo continue their training for Patrol Dog.
That was springtime plans, so we'll see what happens the rest of the year! But we'll take it easy for a few weeks and enjoy the company of family and good friends.
Merry Christmas!
Best Wishes from Kicki, Björn and Jenny
Olive and Fang REALLY liked each other, they didn't care about the snowstorm either...
A BIG THANKS to Maria Katiska who took care about Olive and did a great job watching over the dogs mating.
Everything went well and for now there's nothing left but wait and see if there will be puppies in a few months. Exciting!
This year is going to an end. This weekend we are going to Stockholm for the big Show, we have Gizmo with us to compete for Swedish Winner 2012. In Januari we will take a break from competing but we will start again in Februari. Junior will start his first obedience class I and there are plans for him even in freestyle.
Merry Christmas to you all!
2012 > 12
... is coming to its end.
No more contests or shows this year, instead we are resting over Christmas and enjoying the Aussie Action's success.
In February we go again, then Juniors debut in LKI is scheduled. It will be very interesting to see what he thinks about that :) Lower search / track planned for spring.
Moritz will start lower search / track in the spring.
I (Jenny) will compete with Lisa in Rally obedience, she had a great time the last time we participated!
Gizmo will debut in LKIII and appell search for spring.
Junior and Gizmo continue their training for Patrol Dog.
That was springtime plans, so we'll see what happens the rest of the year! But we'll take it easy for a few weeks and enjoy the company of family and good friends.
Merry Christmas!
Best Wishes from Kicki, Björn and Jenny
Olive and Fang REALLY liked each other, they didn't care about the snowstorm either...
A BIG THANKS to Maria Katiska who took care about Olive and did a great job watching over the dogs mating.
Everything went well and for now there's nothing left but wait and see if there will be puppies in a few months. Exciting!
This year is going to an end. This weekend we are going to Stockholm for the big Show, we have Gizmo with us to compete for Swedish Winner 2012. In Januari we will take a break from competing but we will start again in Februari. Junior will start his first obedience class I and there are plans for him even in freestyle.
Merry Christmas to you all!
2012 > 12
... is coming to its end.
No more contests or shows this year, instead we are resting over Christmas and enjoying the Aussie Action's success.
In February we go again, then Juniors debut in LKI is scheduled. It will be very interesting to see what he thinks about that :) Lower search / track planned for spring.
Moritz will start lower search / track in the spring.
I (Jenny) will compete with Lisa in Rally obedience, she had a great time the last time we participated!
Gizmo will debut in LKIII and appell search for spring.
Junior and Gizmo continue their training for Patrol Dog.
That was springtime plans, so we'll see what happens the rest of the year! But we'll take it easy for a few weeks and enjoy the company of family and good friends.
Merry Christmas!
Best Wishes from Kicki, Björn and Jenny
Olive and Fang REALLY liked each other, they didn't care about the snowstorm either...
A BIG THANKS to Maria Katiska who took care about Olive and did a great job watching over the dogs mating.
Everything went well and for now there's nothing left but wait and see if there will be puppies in a few months. Exciting!
This year is going to an end. This weekend we are going to Stockholm for the big Show, we have Gizmo with us to compete for Swedish Winner 2012. In Januari we will take a break from competing but we will start again in Februari. Junior will start his first obedience class I and there are plans for him even in freestyle.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Snart har hela sommaren gått, vart tar tiden vägen? Vädret har ju varit sådär, men det är ju faktiskt skönt för hundarna att det inte är så varmt. Desto mer tid till att träna om man inte kan ligga i solstolen ;)
Vill säga grattis än en gång till freestyletjejerna Angelika och Lisabet, beundransvärt att de kämpar på och slår underifrån. Så lite tävlingsmöjligheter och långt till bra tränare. Vad duktiga ni är! läs mer under Tävlingsresultat 2012.
Den här hösten kommer att bli fylld av träning inför appeller och lydnad. Så nu kliver vi i kängorna och ger oss ut i skogen!
Rebecca Gray » The Q's are finally here!: ”Grattis till valparna!! ”
Kicki » The Q's are finally here!: ”Tack! ha ha ni är så välkomna Eva_Lena”
Eva-Lena & flocken » The Q's are finally here!: ”GRATTIS till den lyckliga tilldragelsen! Vad månde bliva; ser fram emot att följ..”
Hege » Waiting...and waiting...: ”Very very Exciting!! I hope for many beautiful puppies! :-)”
Jenny » Successfull 2012...: ”Tack Eva-Lena! Vi håller alla tassar och tummar för er!!!”